Many of us dont think about how it products get on the shelf or the market when we are buying fresh fish, canned tuna, or simply any major consumer item, but its all transported by the ocean. U.S. maritime transport carries 95% of the nations trade making marine transportation the second largest GDP in the world with an adverage of $27.6 Billiona year, thats 20% of the oceans economy. Tradein the ocean effects us all. People wouldn't have half of the products and goods we have now, ocean realated or not, it affects all goods. walk around your house and really start looking at the manifactures of everything, and where its made from. I promise you more then half of the products you have in your house have been made or shipped from overseas. Now imagine only having things in your house that are are made in america. You'llend up with a pretty empty house. Even if it says it's made in America that doesn't mean all of it was made here in America. Most generaly unfinished pieces of the product are made overseas, and then transported by boat and put together in the states. Over all Transportation using the ocean is highly important to the economy. Without it trade would be a heck of a lot harder, and our resources would be limited. But most of all we would be loosing money because we would no longer have one of the most important ways of imports and exports.
Go to this We Page to Learn about the history and importance of Oceanic Trade.
Dunbar, Rob. "Ocean Effects on the Economy." Center for Ocean Solutions. Center for Ocean Solutions, 2011. Web. 12 May 2011. <>.