Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Our last resort...Captivity

  Since our oceans are slowly dying and we all know it, the world has resorted to captivity. The thought is that if the animals are dying in the ocean, then to save the species put them in a tank or confinement away from harm. In some ways this is good for America and the rest of the world. It generates a huge revenue which countries make millions off of zoos and aquariums. Sea World alone had 23.5 million visitors in the last year. That's a lot of money coming into the U.S with just one attraction. Now multiply that by the numerous Aquariums we have here and you got a pretty good amount of money going into our GDP. The bad part about aquariums and captivity is that it is giving the reef a lesser chance of trying to restore itself. In the end all of it comes down to the fact that as a world we have badly damaged the ocean and its inhabitants that it will eventually hurt us big time, if it hasn't already. We wont know the full long term effects of the ocean to our economy until we have nothing left.

Go here to see the actual amount of money aquariums make, and contribute to the GDP.

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